Fun with Dowsing

As the name suggests, this workshop is all about having fun with the pendulum and exploring the healing form known as Dowsing. It is a two-day workshop where a pendulum is used to connect you to your higher self, followed by 21 days of online self-cleansing. The pendulum will be provided on the day of the workshop.

It is a certified course and acts as the beginning of all the other courses.

Lama Fera

'Lama' means, an Enlightened Guru and 'Fera' means the technique of healing. This system can help increase spiritual abilities, improve the effectiveness of meditations, relieve pain and discomfort caused by chronic diseases, remove unwanted spirits, cleanse buildings, overcome fear, anxiety, stress and mental tensions, improve memory and visualisation, and assist reconnection with the Higher Self. The workshop conducted is a two-day-long journey in which you will be provided with all the materials and teachings required to perform this form of healing.



This form of healing uses divine sounds as a medium to cleanse, balance and energise to transport one into a deep meditative state of healing.

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A simple yet powerful candle healing technique along with hand-crafted oil blends infused and energized with crystals and herbs can be used to remove negativity, obstacles and blockages at various levels. It can also enhance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of an individual

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Water is the source of life and constitutes 70% of our body. Thoughts, feelings, emotions, reality, programs, belief systems and experiences are all a part of this. Water healing assists in unblocking of natural senses and abilities that might have been dormant, creating our ultimate reality, self-empowerment and healing, improving personal power and confidence, establishing quality relationships and financial means, well-being and success.

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Is my cup half empty or half full? What is your perspective? Learn to heal and clear in this two-day workshop.

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In this two-day workshop, one will heal the Earth Star Chakra. During this healing, there will be a release of the sense of entrapment, clearing of blockages that inhibit forward movement, cleansing of karma with earth's plane, clearing poverty-conscious karma and enhancing mental, physical and emotional stability.

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A one-day workshop where you will be initiated to study and heal the facial chakras.

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A one-day workshop where you will be initiated to study and heal various pranas and koshas will be conducted.

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A workshop where an individual is introduced to the world of chakras. It is a deeper form of self-cleansing where you start by concentrating on the basic chakras. It is a two-day workshop where one will learn in detail about the basic seven chakras and several minor chakras including how to clear, align and balance them.

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Dowsing Level Next is a stepping stone leading one to evolve in the healing form of Dowsing. This two-day workshop allows one to expand their knowledge in this field. You will become well equipped to healing not only yourself but also others. Several aspects like black magic, curses and spells can be cleared with the help of Dowsing Level Next.

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Meditation is one of the greatest ways to obtain inner peace and harmony. It is believed that meditation helps to accustom mind to positive thinking and calmness.
When our mind is serene, it means that we are free from stress and open to true happiness. Everyone is invited to join our meditation lesson and enjoy the process.