Divine Sparks facilitates the process of Healing made Naturally and does not treat or diagnose illness. None of our classes, programs or sessions offer medical advice, treat or prescribe. All information on the website is for educational purposes only. Spiritual Healing and Energy Medicine are not a regulated medical practice or a practice that diagnoses or treats illnesses of body or mind, though it may be a complement to such practices. Divine Sparks is only a channel helping you choose the path of wellness through personal development, natural healing of the mind, spirit, soul and personal self-help healing journey. Possible passions ignite in this journey where peace causes a shift in personal perception that can become life changing, Including career changes and soul paths. All destinations in the holistic path are fully your choice to choose and not in any way are we influencing you to change anything about your path but supporting your personal healing journey to happiness.

Spiritual Healing can assist in the personal and spiritual development and provide approaches that focus on the Spirit Body, Energy Body, and the Energy Pathways in the body such as meridians, chakras, the spirit man or woman and/or other energy systems. Divine Sparks does not claim to diagnose or treat illnesses of body or mind, as these approaches simply help to target blocked energy patterns in the body and in the brain to optimize the person’s well-being, soul path, and spiritual journey. Any exploration of one's life journeys from past or current situations or difficulties — or all other personal development approaches —may bring forward or arise such memories or emotions to surface.

While these may be steppingstones on the path of spiritual revelation and personal development, the individual undertaking such exploration assumes all associated risks. Although Spiritual Healing, energy modalities, workshops are non-invasive interventions into the body’s energy system, any modality that frees energies that have been blocked may and could cause mild reactions such as nausea, headaches, or temporary body pains as the energies begin to move and reset themselves. While such reactions should be noted, they often indicate that the procedures are working, and benefits will persist after the discomfort has passed as little as 24 to 72 hours. As the energy body starts to flow the blocks will shift out and leave the physical body. However, it does not have a physical reaction in all cases Please note the following disclaimers are necessary and important and have complied with the purest energy and love. We hope that you will find Divine Sparks of true benefit in your own healing journey toward a greater life of joy, health, happiness, and overall well-being.

Meditation is one of the greatest ways to obtain inner peace and harmony. It is believed that meditation helps to accustom mind to positive thinking and calmness.
When our mind is serene, it means that we are free from stress and open to true happiness. Everyone is invited to join our meditation lesson and enjoy the process.